Empathic, individualized care for mamas-to-be.
“For women in labor much of the birth process is about permission: feeling total permission to be themselves and feeling free to let down emotional and physical barriers and to release expectations—those yardsticks or measures of performance that women carry with them into the institutional environment. Feeling completely safe with another human being creates a kind of freedom that enables a woman to begin to test the limits of her own capacities and to experience capacities possibly not recognized before—or perhaps recognized but not risked. This freedom to be one’s true self produces feelings of empowerment, of creativity.”
~ Klaus, Klaus, and Kennell, The Doula Book
Pre-Labor Coaching
Three in-person prenatal visits of 1-2 hours in duration. Virtual also available. Full phone and email availability throughout your prenatal journey. Virtual assistance in the weeks, days, hours, and even minutes leading up to the birth.
Full Package
Two in-person or virtual prenatal visits. Agreed upon meeting time and place during labor for live support through 1-2 hours post birth. Backup doula provided in case of emergency, so you never have to worry. Date dependent by availability; DC-area only.